Within the framework of the signed memorandum between the Tashkent Medical Academy and Xinjiang Medical University, the cooperation of the Department of “Rehabilitation, Folk Medicine and Physical Education” is being continued.

Within the framework of the signed memorandum between the Tashkent Medical Academy and Xinjiang Medical University, the cooperation of the Department of “Rehabilitation, Folk Medicine and Physical Education” is being continued. In particular, under the leadership of the head of the department, A.A. Usmankhodjaeva, a training base for TMA was organized at the Chinese-Uzbek Medical Technical park, where the teaching staff of the department, together with university specialists, began to give theoretical and practical classes with 3rd and 4th year students in the directions of “Folk Medicine” and “Medical and Professional faculty”. Based on the approved curriculum, Chinese specialists teach students the methods of traditional Chinese medicine and its philosophical concepts.  On the part of Chinese specialists, all conditions have been created for the development of theoretical and practical skills.

On 14.10.2023, Professor of the Department Sobirova G.N. and professors of Xinjiang University Peng Jin, Huang Zhong, Kong Jintao, Rustam Dilixiati gave an integral lecture on the topic “Philosophical concepts of the history and development of Oriental medicine. Methods of treatment in Chinese folk medicine”. The high level of knowledge, the opportunity to practice on dummies and self-development of skills aroused the interest of students. Materials in English were presented for students of the International Faculty.

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